Cancer Acetylcysteine

Cancer Acetylcysteine

Cancer Acetylcysteine

The next human bladder cancer cells items demonstrate a higher amount of meaning:

  1. It seems that, the principal urinary metabolites of dietary isothiocyanates, N-acetylcysteine conjugates, elicit the same anti-proliferative response as their parent compounds in human bladder cancer cells.[1] Urinary, having to do with urine or the organs of the organic structure (i.e., structura) that produce and get rid of urine. N-acetylcysteine is a drug usually used to reduce the thickness of mucus and ease its removal. It is also used to reverse the toxicity of high doses of acetaminophen. As well called acetylcysteine and N-acetyl-L-cysteine. Bladder is the organ that stores urine. Acetylcysteine is a drug commonly used to reduce the thickness of mucus and ease its removal. It is also used to change (i.e., shift) by reversal the toxicity of high doses of acetaminophen. As well called N-ethanoyl group-L-cysteine and N-acetylcysteine. Response is in medicine, an improvement related to handling.
  2. Seemingly, because human urinary bladder (i.e., vesica urinaria, or vesica) cancers occur almost exclusively in the bladder epithelium, which is directly exposed to the urine stored in the bladder, we undertook to examine the anti-cancer activity of NAC-ITCs in cultured human bladder cancer cells.[1] Epithelium is a thin level of tissue that covers organs, glands, and other structures within the organic structure. Urine, fluid containing h2o and waste products. Urine is made by the kidneys, stored in the vesica (i.e., urinary bladder), and leaves the body (i.e., corpus) through the urethra.

Several items are very important when it comes to Cancer Acetylcysteine :

  • For instance, in this paper, we report that the NAC conjugates of four naturally occurring ITCs, including allyl ITC, benzyl ITC (BITC), phenethyl ITC and sulforaphane, potently inhibited the outgrowth of cells derived from both low-grade superficial (i.e., superficialis, or sublimis) and high-grade invasive human bladder cancers and drug-resistant bladder cancer cells.[1] Superficial, affecting cells on the open. Not

  • It’s possible to conclude that, it represents a big group of epithelial lung (i.e., pulmo) malignancies which can be divided into two clinical groups Small cell (i.e., oat cell) LUNG CANCER and NON-SMALL-CELL LUNG CARCINOMA.[2] Lung, one of a pair of organs in the chest (i.e., pectus) that supplies the organic structure with oxygen, and removes carbon dioxide from the body. Clinical, having to do with the examination and treatment of patients. Epithelial, refers to the
    cells that line (i.e., linea) the internal (i.e., internus) and external
    (i.e., externus) surfaces of the organic structure.

  • You can notice, decrease of interleukin-2 secretion is a new independent prognostic factor (i.e., gene) associated with poor survival in patients with small-cell lung cancer.[3] Prognostic factor is a situation or condition, or a characteristic (i.e., character) of a patient, that can be used to estimate the chance of recuperation from a disease (i.e., illness, or morbus) or the chance of the disease recurring (coming back). Interleukin, one of a group of related proteins made by leukocytes (white (i.e., albicans) blood (i.e., haema) cells) and other cells in the body. Interleukins modulate immune responses. Interleukins made in the laboratory are used as biologic response modifiers to boost the immune system (i.e., systema) in cancer therapy (i.e., therapeusis, or therapia). An interleukin is a type (i.e., typus, or variation) of cytokine. Also called Land of lincoln. Interleukin-2, one of a group of related proteins made by leukocytes (white blood cells) and other cells in the organic structure. Interleukin-2 is made by a type of T lymph (i.e., lympha) cell. It increases the emergence and activity of other T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes, and affects the development of the immune system. Aldesleukin (interleukin-2 made in the laboratory) is being used as a biological response modifier to boost the immune system in malignant neoplastic disease therapy. Malignant, cancerous. Malignant cells can occupy and destroy nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body. Interleukin-2 is a type of cytokine. As well called Prairie state-2. Lung cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the
    lung, commonly in the cells lining air passages. The two main (i.e., hand)
    types are little cell lung cancer and non-little cell lung cancer. These types
    are diagnosed based on how the cells appear under a microscope.

  • Apparently, lung cancer arises as a focal transformation (i.e., metamorphosis) of inveterately injured epithelium with cigarette smoke as one of its well recognized causes.[4] Transformation is in medicine, the alteration that a normal cell undergoes as it becomes malignant. Focal is in terms of malignant
    neoplastic disease, limited to a specific area.

  • It’s been found that, in Zhao R. et al Expression (i.e., facies) of p53 enhances selenite-induced superoxide production and apoptosis (i.e., programmed cell death) in human prostate (i.e., prostata, or glandula prostatica) cancer cells.[5] Prostate cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the prostate (a gland in the male (i.e., masculine) reproductive system (i.e., genital system) found below the bladder and in front of the rectum). Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men. Prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate surrounds the part of the urethra (the tube (i.e., tuba) that empties the bladder) just below the bladder, and produces a fluid that forms part of the semen (i.e., seed, or seminal fluid). Apoptosis is a type of cell decease in which a series
    of molecular steps in a cell lead to its decease. This is one method acting
    the body uses to get rid of unneeded or abnormal (i.e., deviant) cells. The
    procedure of apoptosis may be blocked in malignant neoplastic disease cells.
    As well called programmed cell expiry.

  • It’s possible to conclude that, cysteine levels were 56% less likely to develop breast (i.e., mamma, or teat) cancer.[6] Breast cancer, cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk (i.e., strip, or lac) to the nipple (i.e., papilla mammae, or mammilla)) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast (i.e., mamma masculina, or mamma virilis) cancer is rare. Breast, glandular (i.e., glandulous) organ located on the chest. The breast is made up of connective tissue (i.e., interstitial tissue, or supporting tissue), fat (i.e., adipose tissue), and breast tissue that contains the glands that can make milk. Also called mammary gland (i.e., glandula mammaria, or lactiferous gland).
  • It’s possible to determine, stage IV (intravenous) Malignant Melanoma (i.e., melanoma) (i.e., malignant melanoma) Cancer patient was given three to six months to inhabit.[7] Stage is the extent of a cancer in the organic structure. Staging is usually based on the size of the tumor (i.e., neoplasm), whether lymph nodes contain malignant neoplastic disease, and whether the cancer has spread from the original site (i.e., situs) to other parts of the body. Tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue that results when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should. Tumors may be benign
    (not cancer), or malignant (cancer). Also called neoplasm (i.e., new growth,
    or tumor).

  • Finally, it’s possible to recognize, diagnosis Lung cancer (3cm Tumor)
    is discussed here.[8] Diagnosis is the
    process (i.e., processus) of identifying a disease, such as cancer, from its
    signs and symptoms.



An abnormal tissue that grows by cellular proliferation more rapidly than normal and continues to grow after the stimuli that initiated the new growth cease. Neoplasms show partial or complete lack of structural organization and functional coordination with the normal tissue, and usually form a distinct mass of tissue that may be either benign (benign tumor) or malignant (cancer)

Mammary gland

the potential and active compound, alveolar, mostly merocrine (with possible apocrine components) milk-secreting gland lying within the breast; it comprises 15?24 lobes, each consisting of many lobules, separated by adipose tissue and fibrous septa; the parenchyma of the resting postpubertal female gland consists of ducts; the alveoli develop only during pregnancy and remain active until weaning; normally, the gland remains rudimentary (undistinguishable from its childhood state) in men


A clear, transparent, sometimes faintly yellow and slightly opalescent fluid that is collected from the tissues throughout the body, flows in the lymphatic vessels (through the lymph nodes), and is eventually added to the venous blood circulation. Lymph consists of a clear liquid portion, varying numbers of white blood cells (chiefly lymphocytes), and a few red blood cells


Abbreviation for centimorgan.


The state of being poisonous.


  1. A distensible musculomembranous organ serving as a
    receptacle for fluid, such as the urinary bladder or gallbladder.

  2. See detrusor


An oxygen free radical, O2, which is toxic to cells.


A small rounded elevation resembling the female breast


Relating to reproduction.


At the top


Typical or distinctive of a particular disorder


Denoting fat.


A chestnut-shaped body, surrounding the beginning of the urethra in the male, which consists of two lateral lobes connected anteriorly by an isthmus and posteriorly by a middle lobe lying above and between the ejaculatory ducts. Structurally, the prostate consists of 30 50 compound tubuloalveolar glands among which is abundant stroma consisting of collagen and elastic fibers and many smooth muscle bundles. The secretion of the glands is a milky fluid that is discharged by excretory ducts into the prostatic urethra at the time of the emission of semen


Programmed cell death; deletion of individual cells by fragmentation into membrane-bound particles, which are phagocytized by other cells

Small cell

a short, bluntly spindle-shaped cell that contains a relatively large, hyperchromatic nucleus, frequently observed in some forms of undifferentiated bronchogenic carcinoma


A diagnosic, pregentive, or therapeutic preparation derived or obtained from living organisms and their product, serum, vaccine, antigen, antitoxin.

Immune system

an intricate complex of interrelated cellular, molecular, and genetic components that provides a defense, the immune response, against foreign organisms or substances and aberrant native cells.


  1. A turning or changing to the opposite direction, as
    of a process, disease, symptom, or state.

  2. The changing of a dark line or a bright one of the
    spectrum into its opposite.

  3. Denoting the difficulty of some people in
    distinguishing the lowercase printed or written letter p from q or g, b from
    d, or s from z.

  4. In psychoanalysis, the change of an instinct or
    affect into its opposite, as from love into hate.


Relating to a gland


  1. Relating to reproduction or generation.
  2. Relating to the primary female or male sex organs or

  3. Relating to or characterized by genitality.


The hydrocarbon radical, C6H5CH2.


The monovalent radical, CH2=CHCH2.


  1. Relating to prognosis.
  2. A symptom on which a prognosis is based, or one
    indicative of the likely outcome.


  1. Denoting or characterized by invasion.
  2. Denoting a procedure requiring insertion of an
    instrument or device into the body through the skin or a body orifice for
    diagnosis or treatment.


A collection of similar cells and the intercellular substances surrounding them. There are four basic kinds of tissue in the body epithelium; connective tissues including adipose tissue, blood, bone, and cartilage; muscle tissue; and nerve tissue.


Any hollow structure or sac, normal or pathologic, containing a serous fluid


  1. A change.
  2. An act of making something different.


  1. Relating to semen.
  2. Original or influential of future developments.


  1. A change of one tissue into another, as cartilage
    into bone.

  2. In metals, a change in phase and physical properties
    in the solid state caused by heat treatment.

  3. In microbial genetics, transfer of genetic
    information between bacteria by means of ??????naked?????? intracellular DNA
    fragments derived from bacterial donor cells and incorporated into a competent
    recipient cell


The terminal portion of the digestive tube, extending from the rectosigmoid junction to the anal canal (perineal flexure).


Relating to the rectum.


Any small, nipplelike process


The purely cellular avascular layer covering all free surfaces, cutaneous, mucous, and serous, including the glands and other structures derived therefrom.


Relating to or consisting of epithelium.


Relating to the diet.


Pertaining to or characterized by neoplasia, or containing a neoplasm.


Relating to the breasts.


Recovery of or restoration to the normal state of health and function.


  1. Situated nearer the surface of the body in relation
    to a specific reference point.

  2. Cursory; not thorough


  1. Production by a cell or aggregation of cells (a
    gland) of a physiologically active substance and its movement out of the cell
    or organ in which it is formed.

  2. The solid, liquid, or gaseous product of cellular or
    glandular activity that is stored in or used by the organism in which it is


  1. A rank, division, or level on the scale of a value

  2. In cancer pathology, a classification of the degree
    of malignancy or differentiation of tumor tissue; well, moderately well, or
    poorly differentiated, and undifferentiated or anaplastic.

  3. In exercise testing, the measurement of a vertical
    rise or fall as a percentage of the horizontal distance traveled.

Male breast

one of the two, usually rudimentary, mammary glands and overlying nipples of the male


  1. A change in form, structure, or function.
  2. Transition from one developmental stage to another


The penile ejaculate; a thick, yellowish-white, viscid fluid containing sperms; a mixture produced by secretions of the testes, seminal glands, prostate, and bulbourethral glands


A functional unit of heredity that occupies a specific place (locus) on a chromosome, is capable of reproducing itself exactly at each cell division, and directs the formation of an enzyme or other protein. The gene as a functional unit consists of a discrete segment of a giant DNA molecule containing the purine (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidine (cytosine and thymine) bases in the correct sequence to code the sequence of amino acids of a specific peptide. Protein synthesis is mediated by molecules of messenger RNA formed on the chromosome with the gene acting as a template. The RNA then passes into the cytoplasm and becomes oriented on the ribosomes where it in turn acts as a template to organize a chain of amino acids to form a peptide. In organisms reproducing sexually, genes normally occur in pairs in all cells except gametes, as a consequence of the fact that all chromosomes are paired except the sex chromosomes (X and Y) of the male


Relating to or marked by the characteristics of the male sex or gender


Relating to or pertaining to a malignant neoplasm, or being afflicted with such a process.


  1. A measurement or a statement about the value of some
    quantity that is known, believed, or suspected to incorporate some degree of

  2. The result of applying any estimator to a random
    sample of data. It is not a random variable but a realization of one, a fixed
    quantity, and it has no variance although commonly it also furnishes an
    estimate of what the variance of the estimator is. (Not to be confused with an
    estimator, which is a prescription for obtaining an estimate.)


The fluid and dissolved substances excreted by the kidney.


A malignant neoplasm, derived from cells that are capable of forming melanin, arising most commonly in the skin of any part of the body, or in the eye, and, rarely, in the mucous membranes of the genitalia, anus, oral cavity, or other sites; occurs mostly in adults and may originate de novo or from a pigmented nevus or lentigo maligna. In the early phases, the cutaneous form is characterized by proliferation of cells at the dermal-epidermal junction, that soon invade adjacent tissues. The cells vary in amount and pigmentation of cytoplasm; the nuclei are relatively large and frequently bizarre in shape, with prominent acidophilic nucleoli; mitotic figures tend to be numerous. Prognosis correlates with the depth of skin invasion. Melanomas frequently metastasize widely; regional lymph nodes, skin, liver, lungs, and brain are likely to be involved. Intense, intermittent sun exposure, especially of fair-skinned children, increases the risk of melanoma later in life


  1. A drug.
  2. The art of preventing or curing disease; the science
    concerned with disease in all its relations.

  3. The study and treatment of general diseases or those
    affecting the internal parts of the body, especially those not usually
    requiring surgical intervention.


  1. occurring in severe form, and frequently fatal;
    tending to become worse and leading to an ingravescent course.

  2. In reference to a neoplasm, having the property of
    locally invasive and destructive growth and metastasis.


An alteration; in pathology, structural alteration of which the cause and significance is uncertain


Denoting the mild character of an illness or the nonmalignant character of a neoplasm.


One of a pair of viscera occupying the pulmonary cavities of the thorax, the organs of respiration in which blood is aerated. In humans, the right lung is slightly larger than the left and is divided into three lobes (an upper, a middle, and a lower or basal), whereas the left has but two lobes (an upper and a lower or basal). Each lung is irregularly conic, presenting a blunt upper extremity (the apex), a concave base following the curve of the diaphragm, an outer convex surface (costal surface), a generally concave inner or medial surface (mediastinal surface), a thin and sharp anterior border, and a rounded posterior border


  1. Relating to spaces or interstices in any

  2. Relating to spaces within a tissue or organ, but
    excluding such spaces as body cavities or potential space.


Relating to urine.


  1. Any of numerous hormonelike, low-molecular-weight
    proteins, secreted by various cell types, which regulate the intensity and
    duration of immune response and mediate cell-to-cell communication.

  2. See interferon,
    interleukin, lymphokine, chemokines


A tumor suppressor gene located on the short arm of chromosome 17 that encodes a nucleophosphoprotein that binds DNA and negatively regulates cell division; frequently measured as a marker of malignant diseases.


  1. Any swelling or tumefaction.
  2. One of the four signs of inflammation (t., calor,
    dolor, rubor) enunciated by Celsus


Any whitish, milklike liquid


Relating to biology.


  1. Denoting a focus.
  2. Relating to a localized area.

Urinary bladder

a musculomembranous elastic bag serving as a storage place for the urine, filled via the ureters and drained via the urethra

Cell death

the cessation of respiration within the cell that stops the production of energy, nutrients, active molecular transport, and the like.


A cytokine derived from T-helper lymphocytes that causes proliferation of T lymphocytes and activated B lymphocytes; maintains long-term culturs of T cells.


A mucolytic agent that reduces the viscosity of mucous secretions; used to prevent liver injury produced by acetaminophen toxicity.


  1. The determination or classification of distinct
    phases or periods in the course of a disease or pathologic process.

  2. The determination of the specific extent of a disease
    process in an individual patient.


The clear viscid secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting of mucin, epithelial cells, leukocytes, and various inorganic salts dissolved in water.


Yielding milk.


The canal leading from the bladder, discharging the urine externally.


  1. The measure of the depth of something, as opposed to
    its length or width.

  2. A layer or stratum.


A molecule containing two atoms of oxygen, carbon dioxide, CO2.


Increasing the numbers of similar forms.

Connective tissue

the physical or functional supporting tissue of the animal body, a major constituent of which (in addition to various kinds of cells) is an extracellular matrix of ground substance, protein fibers, and structural glycoproteins; it is derived from the mesenchyme, which in turn is derived mainly from mesoderm; the many kinds of connective tissue may be classified according to cell-matrix proportion (loose vs. dense), arrangement of fibers (regular dense vs. irregular dense), fiber type (collagenous, elastic), embedded cell type (adipose, lymphoid, hemopoietic), degree of differentiation (mesenchymal, mucous), location (subcutaneous, periosteal, perichondrial), appearance (areolar, granulation), or nature of matrix (cartilaginous, osseous, or, in the cases of blood and lymph, liquid)

Related Material

  1. The principal urinary metabolites of dietary isothiocyanates… : Anti-Cancer Drugs

  2. N-AcetylCysteine vs. Placebo to Prevent Neurotoxicity Induced by Platinum Containing Chemotherapy

  3. De-repression of Anti-Cancer Immunity by N-Acetylcysteine –

  4. N-acetylcysteine for lung cancer prevention. [Chest. 1995] – PubMed – NCBI

  5. NAC 2011

  6. Cancer, Glutathione (GSH) and whey protein

  7. Video

  8. Home of Cancer Survivor Stories